Promoting a culture of life in St Andrews. Protecting and celebrating the dignity of life, from conception until natural end.

Students for Life – St Andrews has the following aims:

  1. To affirm the value, beauty and dignity of all human life from conception to natural end. We maintain that all life is worth living, irrespective of disability, situation and circumstance. 
  2. To encourage support of the unborn, pregnant women, new mothers, the elderly, the mentally or physically disabled as well as those who are often deemed vulnerable. 
  3. To create a forum in which academic discussion can take place regarding all life issues including, but not exclusively, abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment. 
  4. To provide environment where similar-minded individuals on the topic can interact, share ideas and receive mutual support.

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Do you need help after an abortion experience?

Call us today on our helpline

0845 603 8501

No matter how abortion has affected you emotionally, help is available. Hope is here for women and men, abortion patients and staff. Confidential, non-judgemental and free of charge.

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