UoB Pro-life Feminist society is a pro-life, pro-woman society focusing on opening conversation and fostering the pro-life feminist philosophy. Pro-life feminism seeks to protect the dignity of all human life from conception until natural death. We hold debates, panel discussions and socials in which we discuss issues such as euthanasia, abortion, surrogacy, capital punishment, and much more. 

Some of the highlights of our year include attending the annual SPUC Youth conference and representing Bristol at the March for Life.

Many may find this combination of feminism with pro-life views surprising or even contradictory. However we believe that pro-life feminism is not only possible, but essential to building a society in which women are equal and every human life is respected.

Whether you’re pro-life or pro-choice, feminist or anti-feminist, curious or skeptical, you’re welcome to come along and see what goes on… 

UoB Pro-Life Feminist Society Committee 2019/20:

President: Cécile Skoryna
Treasurer: Peter Bradshaw
Secretary: Emma Kelly
Media rep: Sean Flynn 

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